Terminator X and Terminator X Max. Two powertrain management systems from Holley that offer plug and play control for most LT engines.
Jämförelsetabell EFI-system (öppnas i nytt fönster)
How To Swap An LT-Based Engine Into Any Car - 12/08/2020
Although the LT platform’s modern technology necessitates an extra step or two in the swap process to get it to play nice with vehicles that were never designed for Gen V motivation, Holley has gone to great lengths to make these swaps as hassle-free as possible. - Read More
Terminator X for Gen V LT Engines with Direct Injection Control
Swap a Gen V LT Engine into Your Car with Holley Terminator X EFI
Holley Terminator X Gen V LT: Set Up, Variable Cam Control, and Fuel Strategy Overview
Brillko Engineering AB
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