Hem / Quick Time /
It doesn't matter what type of engine or transmission you have – between Lakewood and Quick Time Bellhousings we can offer a solution for your application! Through Quick Time we have the capability to make even one-of-a-kind combinations possible!
Try Holleys Bellhousing Selector (will open in a new window) to find the correct bellhousing for your engine/transmission combination.
How To Align Your Bellhousing For Maximun Trasmission And Clutch Life - 03/25/2021
On any quiet evening you might hear it. That distinctive pull in Third gear as the engine accelerates and the listener waits for that lift of the throttle and a quick, clean manual trans gear change into Fourth. But instead, you hear that instant rpm gain that telegraphs to all within earshot that the driver missed the shift and the engine revs to the moon or bangs up against the rev limiter.
Universal blame is usually reserved for the driver’s lack of hand-foot coordination. But often we can trace these missed shifts to a more mechanical source. Blame then usually shifts to the bellhousing but good blueprinting technique will point out that it’s ultimately more an issue of misalignment that can come from a combination of problems, something the engineers call tolerance stack-up. - Read More
Twin Hellcat-Swapped BMWs Are Set To Invade Formula Drift - 03/18/2021
“Holley’s Terminator X standalone ECU was a big factor in the decision to go with Hellcat power,” Gobbell notes. “It’s a company we’ve known and I’ve trusted since my drag racing days, and the simplicity of the design makes this system incredibly easy to work with.”
While doing research to see if the Hellcat idea was feasible, the team also discovered that Quick Time offers an off-the-shelf bellhousing that’s compatible with the Hemi and the Muncie-style bolt pattern of the G-Force four-speed dog box manual transmissions’ they’re planning to use. “Having a custom bellhousing built would likely have been a much more time consuming process,” he points out. - Read More
How to Index Your Bellhousing
Quick Time Bellhousings
Bellhousings from QuickTime and Lakewood Industries
Brillko Engineering AB
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- Vi erbjuder förstklassig service inom bränsleinsprutning för V8-bilar,
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E-post: brillko@hotmail.com