Holley EFI - Plug and Play Transmission Control Harness - 1998+ Ford 4R70W/4R75W
Holley EFI - Plug and Play Transmission Harness - 1992-1997 Ford AODE/4R70W
Holley Sniper EFI - Sniper Transmission Controller - Service Unit
Holley Sniper EFI - Sniper 2 Transmission Control Kit - Handheld not included
Holley Sniper EFI - Sniper 1 Transmission Control Kit - Handheld not included
Holley Sniper EFI - Standalone Transmission Control Kit - For Carbureted Apps
Brillko Engineering AB
Det lilla företaget med den stora kunskapen!
- Vi erbjuder förstklassig service inom bränsleinsprutning för V8-bilar,
hela vägen från tanke till installation.
E-post: brillko@hotmail.com