How To: Properly Size Fuel Injectors For Your Enginge - 06/10/2022
When it comes to fuel injectors, there is an amazing array of opportunities and with that comes the realization that you should know about as much about fuel injector sizing and selection as possible beyond the question – “Is it big enough?” This story will attempt to uncover some of the less well known aspects of sizing injectors. Our focus in these paragraphs will be on normally aspirated street engines with some additional information regarding boosted engines and alternative fuels such as E85. - Read More
The Coil - 10/20/2011
If there is a single part of the ignition that can hold some mystery to its operation, it is the coil. In a stock ignition system, 12 – 14 volts are delivered to the coil via the positive and negative terminals. Within the wink of an eye, it sends and output of 15,000 volts or higher! But there is no slight-of-hand taking place here – it’s all a carefully crafted lesson in electronics. - Read More
How To Choose The Correct Fuel Injector For Your Engine. - 04/15/2021
When it comes to engine performance, the buck ultimately stops at fueling. After all, if you don’t have enough juice to go with that cool air and hot spark, you’re ultimately selling yourself short. Worse still, a fuel system that can’t keep up with the rest of your setup can ultimately lead to engine damage. And that’s why it’s important to make sure the fuel injectors you’re using are up to the task. - Read More
Upgrade your Import’s Coil-On Plug Ignition System with Accel Super Coils
Accel Late Model Ford Super Coils
Brillko Engineering AB
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