Holley has the exact distributor perfect for your application – whatever that application is!
How to Install a Sniper HyperSpark Ready-to-Run Distributor - 06/24/2022
HyperSpark Ready-to-Run distributors are the perfect solution for those running a Holley Sniper EFI and in need of affordable, plug-and-play ignition timing control. - Read More
How A Hyperspark Ignition System Adds Timing Control To Your Sniper EFI - 06/02/2022
Updating your classic vehicle with Electronic Fuel Injection is the first and best step toward improving its overall drivability and performance. EFI provides the benefit of the ECU making constant adjustments to the fuel delivery by monitoring the oxygen in the exhaust with the goal of maintaining the optimum air-to-fuel ratio across the ever-changing loads and rpm of your engine. - Read More
How To Add Ignition Timing Control To Your Holley Sniper Fuel Injection System - 11/11/2020
There are three ways to go about combining digital spark control with the Sniper system. Option one is to update to a Holley Dual Sync distributor that incorporates both a crank and cam sensor in the distributor along with a circuit board. The second option is to use a Holley HyperSpark distributor which is the path we chose. The third avenue is to ... - Read More
How Does A Dual Sync Distributor Work And When Do You Need One? - 04/19/2021
Conventional distributors use centrifugal weights and springs to affect the engine timing. Essentially the faster the distributor spins, the more the weights move away from the center of the distributor, and that alters the engine timing in turn.
Although that design worked well enough for decades of automotive applications, it’s not exactly cutting edge tech by today’s standards, and it isn’t particularly user-friendly when it comes to tuning. - Read More
Holley and MSD Dual Sync Distributors
How To Install The Holley Dual Sync Distributor with Sniper EFI
How To Setup a Dual Sync Distributor for Holley Sniper EFI
Holley Sniper EFI HyperSpark Ignition System
How to install the easy to use Sniper EFI Hyper Spark Ignition System
Sniper EFI HyperSpark Ready-To-Run Distributors Add Timing Control For Holley EFI Systems
Brillko Engineering AB
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E-post: brillko@hotmail.com