Sniper 2 EFI - Quickstart Guide (På Svenska)
Insallationsguide för Sniper 2 EFI på svenska.
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Sniper 2 EFI - Quickstart Guide
Sniper 2 EFI Software
Sniper EFI Software/Installer v2 Build:12 - Windows Vista,7,8,10 Compatible.
Sniper 2 EFI SD Card Contents
SD Card Files for Sniper 2 EFI
Sniper EFI Troubleshooting Guide
Snabbstartsmanual - Sniper EFI
Grundläggande installationsinstruktioner för Sniper EFI på svenska.
Fullständiga Installationsmanualen - Sniper EFI
En fullsändig insallationsguide för Sniper EFI på svenska.
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Sniper EFI Software
Sniper EFI Software/Installer v1.2 Build:26 - Windows Vista,7,8,10 Compatible.
Sniper EFI Firmware Revision Log
Sniper EFI ECU and Handheld Firmware Revision Log.
Terminator X DBW Support
Contains all of the supported DBW throttle body and pedal part numbers.
Terminator X V2 Production Software (V2 Build 50)
Terminator X V2.0.50 Software - Required for GEN III VVT Control and 46RE Transmission Control
Updated - 2021-05-05
Terminator X Reference Manual
Terminator X Reference Manual and Tuning Guide
Terminator X Pro Dash Firmware
Pro Dash Firmware for Terminator X compatible with V1 and V2 ECU Firmware
Terminator X V2 7" Digital Dash Firmware
7" Dash Firmware for Terminator X V2
Terminator X V1 7" Digital Dash Firmware
7" Digital Dash Firmware Update 1.0.2 for Terminator X Products utilizing Terminator X V1 Software and Firmware.
Terminator X Latest Software (V2 build 70)
Terminator X V2.0.70 Software - Added CAN IO module support and additional crank sensor pattern support.
Terminator X V2 SD Card Contents
Includes V2 Build 50 Firmware for use with production software for GM Gen V LT DI Kits, and handheld wizard calibrations for Hemi VVT, SRV and Chrysler 46RE Trans Control.
Terminator X V1 Software
Terminator X 1.0.121 Software
Terminator X V1 SD Card Contents
Terminator X SD Card Contents
Terminator X Injector Data
Terminator X Injector Data Chart
Terminator X Revision Log
Terminator X V2 Revision Log - contains updated V1 information, V2 support for GM Gen V LT DI/VVT, and GEN III HEMI VVT and 46RE Transmission Control. Includes the V1 to V2 calibration update and firmware update information. Also includes CAN IO Module and new custom ignition information.
Holley EFI V6 Software - Build 311
Holley EFI V6 Software Build 311 Installer. ECU, dash, and handheld firmware are included.
Holley EFI V6 Software - Build 220
Holley EFI V6 Software Build 220 - This is the Software Only.
Holley EFI V6 Software - Build 110
Holley EFI V6 Software Build 110 - This is the Software Only.
Holley EFI V6 3.5" Handheld Firmware
Handheld contents for Holley EFI V6 Firmware.
Holley EFI V6 Software Overview
Holley EFI V6 Software Overview
Holley EFI V6 Build 110 Complete File Set
Holley EFI V6 Build 110 Complete File Set - Includes Software/Firmware and all Digital Dash Firmware
Holley EFI V6 Revision Log
Contains a list of updates to V6 software and firmware.
Holley EFI V6 Build 200 Handheld Firmware
3.5" Handheld Firmware for Holley EFI V6 Build 200
Holley EFI V6 Build 200 Software and Firmware
Software and Firmware Download for Holley EFI V6 Build 200
Atomic 2 EFI Handheld Contents
Contains latest handheld contents for the MSD Atomic 2 EFI Throttle Body System.
5.7 in. Touchscreen Files - V2
Contains the files needed to update the 3 Holley touchscreen applications for use with V2 update.
5.7 in. Touchscreen Files - V3
Contains the files needed to update the 3 Holley touchscreen applications for use with V3 update.
5.7 in. Touchscreen Files - V4
Contains the files needed to update the Holley touchscreen applications for use with V4 update.
3.5 in. Touchscreen Firmware - V2
Contains the latest V2 3.5" touch screen firmware and installation instructions
3.5 in. Touchscreen Firmware - V3
Contains the latest V3 touch screen firmware
3.5 in. Touchscreen Firmware - V4
Contains latest V4 firmware and installation instructions for the 553-108 3.5” Touch Screen
3.5 in. Touchscreen Firmware - V5
Holley EFI V5 Firmware update for 3.5" TSLCD
3.5 in. Touchscreen LCD User Manual
3.5" Touchscreen LCD User Manual
Holley Standalone Pro Dash Log Viewer
Holley Digital Dash Log Viewer
Contains Data Log Viewer.
Holley EFI Pin Map Instructions
Holley EFI Sensor Diagnostics & Statuses
Holley EFI Updating Firmware Instructions
Holley EFI Updating Firmware
Holley Boost Control Quick Start Guide
Holley EFI Boost Control Quick Start Guide
Holley EFI 16 Injector Setup
Holley EFI 16 Injector Setup (8 Cylinder Engines) Setup of 8 Injectors in 8:2 Amp Peak and Hold Mode
Holley EFI Datalogger Instructions for V3 software
Holley EFI Datalogger Instructions for V3 software. Some information in this manual will not apply to V2 and earlier software versions.
Gen III HEMI EFI Component Selection Chart
Gen III HEMI Specific Selection Chart for HP and Dominator EFI Products
Holley EFI HP & Dominator Differences
HP and Dominator EFI Component Selection Chart
Step by Step Component Selection Chart for HP and Dominator EFI Products
Replacement Connector Guide
Single Pack Connector kits for all Holley EFI Main Harnesses
Holley Boost Control Manual
Holley EFI Boost Control Instruction Manual
Holley EFI Firmware
FINAL PRE-V2 FIRMWARE - Firmware must be installed with tuning software version 1.1.5 Build 3 located above. Read the "note" in the Holley EFI Firmware Changes document before performing firmware update.
Holley EFI Firmware Changes
Change log for pre-V2 firmware versions
Holley EFI ReloadPM Installer
It is recommended that all Touch Screen users that purchased a Holley EFI touch screen before June 2011, and experience a battery drain over 2-3 weeks, install this update. See "Touch Screen Update" instructions.
Holley EFI Touch Screen Update
It is recommended that all Touch Screen users that purchased a Holley EFI touch screen before June 2011, and experience a battery drain over 2-3 weeks, install this update. Download these instructions.
Holley EFI Software
V1.5.0.3. This is the last version of software before the V2 update. Do not update if your current software is 1.3. Contact Holley tech at 270-781-9741 if you have version 1.3.
Previous Holley EFI V5 Build 110
Contains previous V5 version (Build 110) compatible firmware is included in the software installer.
Holley EFI V5 Build 140 Complete File Set
Holley EFI V5 Build 140 Complete File Set - Include Software/Firmware and all Digital Dash or Handheld Firmware. Current production firmware shipping pre-installed in HP or Dominator ECU's.
Holley EFI V5 Build 171 Updates
Updates for V5 versions Build 100 through 171
Holley EFI V5 Handheld Contents
Handheld contents for Holley EFI V5 Firmware.
Holley EFI V5 Software Overview
Holley EFI V5 Build 171 Complete File Set
Holley EFI V5 Build 171 Complete File Set - Include Software/Firmware and all Digital Dash or Handheld Firmware. Updated Canned and Custom Ignition Types.
Holley EFI V5 Revision Log
Contains a list of updates to V5 software and firmware versions
2016 PRI Seminar Example
This is the example calibration that was used during the Holley EFI V4 Advanced Features seminar at PRI 2016.
V4 Revision Log
Contains a list of updates to V4 software and firmware versions.
Previous Holley EFI V4 Software and Firmware
Contains all previous V4 software versions (Build 30 and 32) in a zipped file. Compatible firmware is included in the software installer
Holley V4 Software and Firmware
Contains latest V4 software (software version 4.0 Build 110). The compatible firmware (firmware version 4.0 Build 110) is included in the software installation. Changes include updates to run Holley EFI Coyote VVT Module, Drive-By-Wire updates, and other items. For specifics, the V4 Revision log.
V4 Overview
DOWNLOAD AND READ THIS FIRST. Includes V4 updates and information
V3 Software Overview
DOWNLOAD AND READ THIS FIRST. Includes V3 updates and information. V3 is updates are not needed for most users.
Holley V3 Firmware
Contains latest V3 firmware.
Holley V3 Software
Contains latest V3 software.
Holley V2 Firmware Changes
Contains a list of updates to V2 firmware versions.
Holley V2 Software
Contains latest V2 software.
Holley EFI V2 Instructions
IMPORTANT DOWNLOAD - These contain new instructions for V2 Installation, Features, Boost Control, and Traction Control.
Holley V2 Firmware
Contains latest V2 firmware.
V2 Update Instructions
DOWNLOAD AND READ THIS FIRST- Follow these steps EXACTLY to update your Holley EFI system to the new V2 version.
Dash Design V2.2.34
Latest DD2 Software V2.2.34
Infinity Full Documentation Installer For Instruct
InfinityTuner v96.5 Update Notes
InfinityTuner v96.4 Beta Update Notes
InfinityTuner v96.3 Update Notes (Series 3 and 5)
InfinityTuner v96.2 Update Notes
InfinityTuner v96.1 Update Notes
Wideband Ethanol Boost Failsafe Gauge Configuration
Ethanol Failsafe Gauge Configuration Software
Copy of Infinity Application Guide
Atomic LS Sled Firmware
Firmware update for Atomic LS Sled T358v1 version 1.2.0
Atomic LS Handheld Firmware
Firmware update for Atomic LS Handheld T357v1 version 1.2.5
Atomic LS Power Module Firmware
Firmware update for Atomic LS Power Module T351v1 version 1.3.0
Atomic TBI EFI Firmware
Firmware update for Atomic TBI EFI T333v1 version 1.2.14
Atomic TBI Handheld Firmware
Firmware update for Atomic TBI Handheld T340 version 2.0.7
Atomic TBI Power Module Firmware
Firmware update for Atomic TBI Power Module T338v1 version 1.0.9
Atomic Firmware Update Instructions
Step-by-step instructions on updating the firmware on your Atomic products.
Atomic TCM Handheld Firmware
Firmware update for TCM Handheld T388v1 version 1.0.2
Atomic TCM Firmware
Firmware update for TCM T377v1 version 1.0.3
Quick Fuel ECU Dashboard Files
Quick Fuel ECU Dashboard Files version 1.4
Pro-Jection 4D/4Di Installation
Pro-Jection 4D and 2Di Installation Guide
Commander 950 TBI Manual
Commander 950 TBI Hardware Installation Manual
Pro-Jection 1D Manual
Pro-Jection 1D Installation Guide
Fuel Injection Tech Info
Technical Information for Fuel Injection
Fuel Injector Selection
Selecting A Fuel Injector
Pro-Jection 4Di Tuning Software
Base Map downloads for the Holley Commander 950
Commander 950 Software
Commander 950 software. Requires windows 98 or older, not compatible with Windows Vista or Windows 7